Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers

How To Make The Best Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers Massachusetts

February 16, 2025

Cambridge, VA: This Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers recipe almost ruined my housewarming party. Last December we moved into our new home in Massachusetts. We were excited because we moved much closer to family and long-time friends. We decided to throw a housewarming party in January. At that time, everyone was on a diet so I decided to make Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers. It’s a dish my family has made for years. It was the perfect dish because it’s clean eating comfort food. Outside of the powder and seasoning, I bought everything fresh and organic from a local farmers’ market. While at the market I noticed a butcher had organic ground bison meat on sale. I’ve had bison a few times, it’s tasty and much healthier than beef. On top of that, the price was amazing. So I bought it and used it for the Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers.

Fast forward to the housewarming party. I serve the Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers, and they are a hit! My brother, who never misses a chance to insult me, said they were better than our Mom’s version. There is no better compliment. However, shortly after that, things went wrong. My son’s girlfriend asked me for the recipe, and I hesitated to give it to her. Not because I am selfish. It’s because in the past when I’ve given people family recipes:

  • They Don’t Follow The Instructions 
  • So Their Food Does Not Taste As Good As Mine
  • Then They Accuse Me of Sabotaging The Recipe

My husband told me to play nice and share the recipe, so I did. I wrote out the recipe for the girl. She reads it and immediately starts dry, heaving like she’s going to throw up. My son comes over to see what’s wrong. Then his girlfriend screams:

 “She Served Us Dog Food!

I later learned the girl gives her pet these dog treats that are made of bison and as a result, she would never eat that type of meat. Now she’s made a big scene, and everyone asks to see the recipe. After looking at the recipe, nobody complains. They all say she is being dramatic and the meal was great.

I should have told everyone they were eating bison instead of beef. If I were serving strangers, I would have done this, but since it was family and close friends, I knew almost everyone and did not think it would be an issue. Outside of my son’s girlfriend, it wasn’t an issue. 

Besides telling everyone they were eating bison, please let me know what you think and what I could have done differently. In the meantime, here is the Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers recipe that almost ruined my housewarming party. Also, please pray my son does not marry this woman.


  • 6 green bell peppers, remove and discard the tops, seeds, and membranes.
  • 1.5 pounds grass-fed ground beef, bison or turkey
  • 1 medium yellow onion, diced
  • 6-8 stalks fresh celery, diced
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon Bald Buck Seasoning: Bold Taste or Slow Burn (for a spicy version). 
  • 1/4  Black Pepper
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1.5 cups pre-COOKED brown rice or quinoa. To save time, I use microwavable organic brown rice or quinoa
  • 6 Tbsp favorite cheese (optional)
  • 1, 25-28 oz glass jar of your favorite marinara sauce


  • In a large pot of boiling water, partly boil the peppers for 3 minutes. Remove and set on a paper towel to dry.  If you want your peppers crispy, skip this step.
  • Place a big skillet over medium-high heat. Next, put in the meat, onions, celery, and seasonings. Cook until the meat is browned. Break up large lumps and drain any grease.
  • Add the precooked rice and marinara sauce to the skillet and stir well. When done, remove it from the stove. Add more Bald Buck and black pepper to taste. 
  • Put enough water into your baking dish to just cover the bottom. This is typically about 1/8-inch deep. 
  • Fill your bell peppers evenly with the meat & rice mixture and place in the baking dish.
  • Bake until the peppers are very tender and the filling is heated all the way through. This usually takes 20-25 minutes. 
  • Sprinkle each with 1 Tbsp of your favorite cheese (optional) and broil for 5 more minutes.

Pro Tips:

  • Bald Buck is key here. BBQ Pitmasters use it for their meat but I learned it makes for one hell of a seasoned salt. Try it in this dish but more importantly, experiment with it as the salt in your other dishes. It adds this unique flavor that is amazing but nobody will be able to put their finger on what that flavor is. There are reviews about it on YouTube but below is the best video about it.
T-Roy Cooks Video


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