Maple Glazed Smoked Turkey Legs

How To Make The Best Buttery Maple Glazed Smoked Turkey Legs In Massachusetts

February 16, 2025

Cambridge, VA: My grandson thought he sh*t himself blind. No joke.
My grandson was home alone during the power storm. He went to the bathroom to go take a dump. At the exact same time he was pooping, he sneezed. Well, the power went out at that exact same moment. So everything went pitch black. He literally thought he sh*t himself blind. 

He couldn’t see his hands. He panicked. He started yelling “Noooooooo, this can’t be true. This is not happening. Noooooooo.” In absolute terror, he started feeling around for the toilet paper. 

After the task was complete, he just sat there on the toilet. He sat there thinking of how he would tell everyone he sh*t himself blind by sneezing and pooping at the same time. 

After two of the most horrifying minutes of his young life, lightning struck outside. It lit up the hallway. He said seeing that lighting was the best damn feeling ever. 

Y’all………..My grandson told me the story while we were smoking his favorite dish. Buttery maple glazed turkey legs. We were several whiskeys in by the time he worked up the courage to tell me the story.

 I Thought I Would Pee Myself Laughing

I had to share this with any and everybody. I don’t even have my grandson’s permission to share but I sure as hell hope he reads this 🤣.

Here is how to smoke buttery maple glazed turkey legs.


  • 3 to 4 turkey legs
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 gallon cold water
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • Bald Buck Rub: Bold Taste (For spicy, use the Slow Burn flavor)
  • ½ stick of unsalted butter 
  • Hickory wood or pellets


  • Brine: Add your cup of salt and stir until the water is clear. Then add your cup of brown sugar and stir.  then add your turkey legs. Place in the fridge and let it brine for at least 8 hours (I prefer 24 hours).
  • Pull the turkey legs out of the brine. Rinse them off and pat dry with a paper towel.
  • Set your smoker to 225° 
  • Season your turkey legs with Bald Buck Seasoning. Don’t go heavy handed with this stuff.
  • After you’re rolling good clean smoke place in the turkey legs.
  • Wait for the turkey legs to hit 160°. Then, in a bowl combine your maple syrup, melted butter, and two tablespoons of Bald Buck Rub.
  • Brush the turkey legs with the butter mixture.
  • After 15 minutes brush the legs again with the butter mixture. 
  • When the turkey legs hit about 180 and the thickest part remove them.
  • Let rest for at least 15 minutes and then serve.

Pitmaster Tips:

  • I’ve been making these for a long time. I’ve learned if you can brine these bad boys for 24 hours, then do it. Brining for 24 hours makes these legs nice and juicy.
  • You can sprinkle a little brown sugar on the legs. This may help the skin crisp up.
  • Bald Buck Seasoning is one of the best-kept BBQ secrets. It gives your meat this unique flavor people cant place their fingers on. A little of this stuff goes a long way so don’t be too heavy handed with it. 1-2 Tbsps per pound of meat is the winning ratio. There are a lot of YouTube videos on this seasoning but below is the best one.
T-Roy Cooks Video


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